Pierre Henry


26 mn
Music of  Pierre Henry : News items 2003
Production / Direction   Véronique Mouysset

The documentary is a portrait of the composer giving form to News items 2003, a concrete music, at the rehearsal and at the concert of the 'Week-end PIERRE HENRY in four concerts'.
This event was presented by the Music Research Group (Ina-GRM) on March 30 rd, 2003, at the Maison de Radio-France in Paris.

Using extracts from his major works and his 'sound objects' from the 1950's, he depicts in 7 movements the atmosphere of the beginning of our century : Smoke, Drift, No man's land, Disruption, Guerilla, Elsewhere, Ambush.
News items 2003 was composed through many stages and finally completed in 2005.

The subtitles of the documentary are taken from 'Journal de mes sons' by Pierre Henry, published by ACTES SUD in 2004.

Pierre Henry is one of the most inovative musicians of the last past 70 years, having initiated the confusion of the kinds, between symphonic music, jazz, research and variety. He is considered by some, with Pierre Schaeffer, as the 'father' of the electroacoustic music.

In 1947-1948, Pierre Henry wrote:
'Creating an inovative music is to destroy this music in order to give it life.'
'I hoped one day to be able to compose a music of wild sounds resonating in a meaningful way. I had just red 'Novels in three Lines' by Félix Fénéon.'